Rainlendar 2.7 Beta 85

Rainlendar is a customizable calendar that displays the current month. It is a very lightweight application that doesn't use much system resources or take much space on your desktop.

* Small and lightweight
* Different type events can have different appearence
* Supports Windows transparency
* Synchronizes events between several clients
* Localized for multiple languages
* Shows an alarm when an event is due
* Supports iCal files.
* Shows Outlook's appointments
* Includes a todo-list
* Works also as Litestep plugin
* Displays the current date in tray icon
* Can stick to the desktop (i.e. doesn't hide with Show Desktop)
* Hotkeys for quick access
* Easy skinning with an UI
Changes in this beta:
* Changing to simple skin options didn't remove the active window list. Fixed.
* Double clicking a skin or addon showed a DDE error. Fixed.
* Script timers got broken in the previous build. They should work now again.
* Fixed log for the Linux and Mac builds.
* Message box with no parent window remembers its position.
* The alarm window should stay now better on top of other windows.
* The lock file is now stored to /tmp on Linux and Mac.
* The task priority wasn't set correctly to Outlook. Fixed.
* Outlook showed empty and non-existing categories as separate. To fix this Rainlendar doesn't create empty category properties anymore.
* The exception date increases by the current recurrence when the "Add" button is clicked.
* The task list header format for start and due date is now customizable from advanced options.
* Added import limit setting for the Outlook calendar.
* It's now possible to transfer tasks between Remember the Milk lists.
* When editing RTM tasks now only the changed fields are send to the server which should improve the performance.


Semoga bermanfaat...:D

Penulis : Himaster Labs ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Rainlendar 2.7 Beta 85 ini dipublish oleh Himaster Labs pada hari 17 Januari 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Rainlendar 2.7 Beta 85

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